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January 2025 Annual Meeting Summary

Hello Chapter Members,

An enormous thank you to Andrei Bulawka for hosting the January meeting in his resort-type  admirable  abode.  In addition his hospitality was magnificent and the meal was beyond the imagination.  A truly enjoyable afternoon.

Andrei has a developing layout that is quite intricate and well coordinated.  Almost every centimeter is covered with track for the development of a complex schatten bahn. Perhaps next year we will have the opportunity to view the upper level of the layout.  

A time of remembrance was dedicated to  our comrade-in-trains, Joe, the Limo Driver, DeCordoba whose wonderful, warm and witty memories will always be with us.

 It was agreed at the meeting that the current officers will remain in office for another year. Thank you Manny and Bill!

In regards to business, an emphasis was made to add information to the emergency contact list that is managed by our treasurer Mark Gee.

Bill Henwood was able to obtain the access information for our website and Chris Higgins agreed to assist in its maintenance. 

Don Gaw, President of the National ETE, encouraged members to submit articles to the National ETE newsletter and online Express.  The ETE Express Newsletter comes out quarterly, and it is edited by Tony Kopecni  ( [email protected])

Excitement is brewing over the invitation for SoCal ETE members to run DCC trains / 2-rail at the San Diego Model Railroad Club at the Museum in Balboa Park.   The initial run is scheduled for the second Sunday in March.

Feburary 2019 Meeting Summary

Minutes by Rick Sinclair
We had a good turn out with about 25 members. Trains were running and the food was great.
There were thanks given to our host Joerg and Jane Rottenbacher for opening their home to the club.
The first topic was to ask for a volunteer to be Vice President of our chapter with me so that mine wasn’t the only opinion for the direction of the club. Manny Tobias stepped up and volunteered – Thank you Manny!
Secondly I asked if anyone would be willing to host the March meeting since it was scheduled to be hosted by Joerg and Jane again. Once again Manny Tobias stepped (I think it was more of a “push”) and agreed to host in March  – Thanks again Manny!
So obviously the March meeting will be at Manny Tobias’ house.
There will be a module maintenance session on May 4th at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Encinitas to prepare the module for Eurowest. If anyone is willing to help, you can contact Jim Mastrogany as I believe that is his church.
We talked about a module display at the Maker Fair but unless there is a tent and if its a one day event, the likelihood of attending would be small.
The topic of the Module Group display this weekend was discussed with the another member volunteering to help. The Costa Mesa set-up time was changed to 12:00. There is some doubt if the actual set-up will start at that time due to the space the module is in. We were assured that there would be enough unpacking to do until the actual set-up begins.
It was brought up that the trailer needs service before the trip to Eurowest. Volunteers to do the service were Bill Henwood, Chris Higgins and Manny Tobias. Thanks to all three for their work in ensuring that we make it to the show safely.
Next was a discussion of Eurowest. As of right now, the Friday after set-up get together is up in the air  pending if Andreas Hildabrandt’s house is available. There is the possibility of having the get-together at his beer warehouse (not such a bad idea, it is full of beer!). There is also his ’30s tinplate layout running at the warehouse for people to enjoy.
Also on the Eurowest topic, is the Saturday dinner. The dinner is at Izzy’s Steakhouse which is just on the other side of the hotel across the street. This restaurant is very much within walking distance of the Eurowest event. 
I acknowledged that there are some members who prefer to go to San Francisco for dinner. This is always an option of all members.
I did mention another option which is to go up tho the Basque Center (where we had it last year). We would be in the dining room so we would be able to talk. Andreas has volunteered to shuttle people up in his Sprinter which seats about 15 people. I for one am choosing this option as the food is much better and it is a better value for my money.
I had floated the idea that we have a swap meet at certain meetings. I was told that every meeting is a swap meet if anyone has something to sell. This is great but I envision something more as in 5-10 people bring stuff to sell at 3-4 meetings of the year. There would be no limit of sellers, I just threw out 5-10 as a goal. So if Manny is willing, bring your stuff to sell! I plan on bringing a tub of items. I think a few meeting with bigger swap meets might draw more ETE members to attend.
Next there was discussion of a gift for Don and Cindy for all of their hard work as Chapter President and First Lady. We are working on ideas and even though Don is still Treasurer, (and we really can’t hide the cost of the gift), I think we should get some ideas together to show our appreciation.
New Business
One new item I would like to bring up, I feel that there is a significant burden put on the host of a meeting. I would like to make a change and have the meetings be more of a pot-luck. In this, the host will provide the main coarse and the attending members can bring side dishes, drinks and desserts. This is something that worked well  in my last ETE chapter and I have been asked to consider it from a member or two. Please look for a email before the next meeting for guidance of what to bring.
Thank you all for attending the meeting and I hope this keeps the rest of the members informed on the current events of the club.

Message from the new president

Some of you might have heard, the ETE SoCal Chapter has elected a new President. The vote was held at the first meeting this year at the residence of Don and Cindy Gaw. Nobody chose to run for president and I volunteered (insert laughter here).
So let me introduce my self. I am Rick Sinclair. I just moved here to SoCal in December, so I figure being president should be easier than moving at Christmas (insert snicker here).
I have been a member of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the ETE for the last 8 years or so. I was going to run for president of that chapter this year since I have been Vice President for the past 2 years (insert remark here). Our move to SoCal changed my plans for running as president of the Bay Area Chapter.
I have been one of the two Märklin Digital Consultants since 2015 and both of us send out the Märklin Digital Newsletter bi-monthly (shameless plug – Join the Märklin Digital Club today, ask me how – it’s FREE).
I have met some of you at the yearly “Eurowest” event in the Bay Area and I have promptly forgotten your names. Please introduce yourselves at the next meeting that you attend so I can promptly forget your names again.
Seriously, I would like to ask all of the members if they would be willing to host a meeting in March. Joerg Rottenbacher has volunteered for both the February and March meetings at his residence. I think this is very generous of him but at the same time I think that this is a little unfair to lean on Joerg with 2 meetings in a row. If anyone is willing to host a meeting on March 23rd please let me know.
Obviously I am new to the chapter and I don’t want this to be a dictatorship, so I would like to ask if someone would be willing to be Vice President. As far as I know, duties would be light. They would mostly be to attend official club meetings of the officers as another voice to discuss the running of the chapter (if available to attend said meetings) and to run the meetings that I would not be able to attend (again, if available to attend said meetings).
I would like to bring some of the ideas into our chapter that I wanted to do up in the Bay Area. This would be a discussion for the officers then it would be brought up to the members in a meeting for a vote. 
Rick Sinclair 

2018 Business Meeting pushed to February

The annual business meeting has been pushed to February 17, 2018.

All further meetings for 2018 will be discussed at that meeting.

Please mail your dues to Don (see his email).

ETE SIG Group will be at Harvest Festival of Lutheran Church of the Cross in Laguna Woods

SoCal ETE Special Interest Group will display the group layout at the Harvest Festival of Lutheran Church of the Cross in Laguna Woods on Saturday October 29 and Sunday October 30, 2016.

Hours of public train operation: Saturday 10am – 6pm, Sunday  8am-1pm.

There will be games, rides and all sorts of entertainment for the kids.

The church is located at 24231 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods.  It’s on the west side of the 5 freeway.


Meeting schedule updated and cleared for 2016

The meeting schedule for 2016 has been updated and cleared for 2016.

Please remember that there is a meeting on Saturday, January 2016 at Don’s.

We will updated our Group picture. Please dress in Club Polos or red or black shirts/polos for a uniform look.


Summary of the annual 2015 business meeting

Membership has increased to 38!

Don was re-elected Chapter President and Bill was elected Vice-President. Cindy and Jim will continue to head the SIG.

If you need to get any Chapter apparel, contact Bill.

Tentative schedule for 2015 meetings are as follows:
2/28: John O.
3/28: John Q.
4/25: Jorge
5/23: Wil
6/20: Max (now June 13)
7/25-26: No Meeting – Eurowest 2015
8/22: Tony
9/26: John C.
10/24: Juha
*November and December traditionally have no meetings, but there may be a possible meeting at Jim’s with his new layout.

Recap by Philip.

January and February Train shows

We have received a confirmation (pending floor plan verification to make sure they can accommodate our layout) for both the Anaheim (1/10-11) and Del Mar (2/14-15) shows; we may not hear until 2-3 weeks before each show. So mark your calendars and get your trains ready…’s train time!!

Annual Business Meeting at Don’s on Jan 24, 2015

The annual business meeting to set the agenda for 2015 is on January 24th 2015 at Don’s house. Don will send an email shortly with details.

May 2014 at Erwin’s house – A great Dutch themed DC layout

This Memorial weekend, we were at Erwin’s house to enjoy his hospitality and his impressive collection of Dutched influenced DC model trains.

Below is a video from the event, which Juha put together. The video is password protected. The password is Don’s email (all lower case).
